Take Action Now Quote

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Take Action Now

No act of kindness, no matter how insignificant, goes unnoticed.

Take Action Now

Act as if the entire world is watching you whenever you accomplish something.

Take Action Now

Make a difference in your life right now. Don’t take a chance on the future; act now, as soon as possible.

Take Action Now

All men dream, but not all men dream equally. Those who fantasize at night in the dusty corners of their thoughts wake up the next day to discover that it was all for naught; but daydreamers are dangerous men, since they may act on their dreams with open eyes, making them a reality.

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The only way to deal with an unfree environment is to become so completely free that your very life becomes a form of defiance.

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We must not only act, but also dream; not just plan, but also believe, if we are to achieve great things.

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We are what we do over and over again. Excellence, then, is a habit, not an act.

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The most difficult part is making the decision to act; the rest is just a matter of perseverance. Paper tigers are the terrors. You have complete control over your actions. You may take action to modify and manage your life, and the procedure, or process, is a reward in and of itself.

Take Action Now

Quality is a habit rather than an act.

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Carry out a random act of kindness without expecting anything in return, knowing that someone might do the same for you one day.

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Waiting for the appropriate moment to act was always a part of life.

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We can transform the world one random act of kindness at a time if we work together.

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The most enjoyable aspect of life is not knowledge, but the act of learning; it is not possession, but the act of arriving.

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Revenge is a passionate deed; justice’s retribution. Injuries are retaliated against, and crimes are avenged.

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We often undervalue the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest remark, or even the tiniest act of caring, all of which have the capacity to change someone’s life.

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We can’t change what happened in the past. We can’t change the fact that people behave as they do. We can’t stop what’s about to happen. Our mindset is that the only thing we can do is play on the one string we have.

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Leadership is the polar opposite of loneliness, and a leader must act alone at all times. And if you act alone, you’ll have to accept everything on your own.

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Act as if your actions have an impact. Yes, it does.

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I don’t need to be in a posse or pretend to be cool.

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We are rapidly nearing the stage of ultimate inversion, in which the government is free to do whatever it wants while citizens may only act with permission; this is the stage of human history’s darkest times, the stage of domination by brute force.

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Love is a never-ending gesture of forgiveness, a sympathetic glance that becomes a habit.

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Caring – for people, things, and life in general – is a sign of maturity.

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The quantity of good fortune that comes your way is determined by your willingness to take action.

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Knowledge is a powerful tool. Information is a powerful tool. The concealment or hoarding of knowledge or information could be a disguised act of oppression.

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We never truly mature; instead, we learn how to behave in public.

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Violent behavior is devoid of life. Every act of violence pushes us closer to the brink of death. Whether it’s the everyday violence we inflict on our bodies by consuming toxic foods or beverages, or the extreme violence of child abuse, domestic warfare, life-threatening poverty, addiction, or state terrorism, we are all victims of violence.

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