Don’t Judge Easily Quote

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Don’t Judge Easily

When someone makes a judgement about you, it isn’t about you. It’s about them, their fears, limitations, and requirements.

Don’t Judge Easily

Never make a decision based on the opinions of others.

Don’t Judge Easily

Be inquisitive rather than pessimistic.

Don’t Judge Easily

Everyone has untold stories of sorrow and anguish that cause them to love and live differently than you. Instead of condemning, attempt to understand.

Don’t Judge Easily

A person’s identity is not defined by how they are judged. It is what makes you who you are.

Don’t Judge Easily

“I don’t pass judgement on others.”

Don’t Judge Easily

It’s easy to pass judgement on others’ faults, but it’s more difficult to recognise our own.

Don’t Judge Easily

“Don’t judge me based on my past; I no longer live there.”

Don’t Judge Easily

“Stop evaluating how far people have yet to travel. Begin to appreciate how far they’ve come.

Don’t Judge Easily

Don’t pass judgement on others.

Don’t Judge Easily

The people who know the least about you are the ones who judge you the worst.

Don’t Judge Easily

I reveal an unhealed part of myself every time I pass judgement on someone else.

Don’t Judge Easily

The majority of those who are condemning and judging you have never attempted what you failed at.

Don’t Judge Easily

You will have no desire to judge people who slumber after you have awoken.

Don’t Judge Easily

You’re going to be judged anyhow, so be yourself.

Don’t Judge Easily

We are better off if we can do as little judging as possible.

Don’t Judge Easily

“Those who pass judgement will never comprehend, and those who comprehend will never pass judgement.”

Don’t Judge Easily

You can’t love someone if you’re judging them.

Don’t Judge Easily

We’re great lawyers when it comes to our own faults, but terrible judges when it comes to other people’s.
The absence of judgement is defined as love.

Don’t Judge Easily

You should be the one to judge yourself, not others.

Don’t Judge Easily

Because each person only knows their own sorrow and renunciation, we can never criticise the life of others. It’s one thing to believe you’re on the correct track; it’s quite another to believe you’re the only one.

Don’t Judge Easily

I’ve often wondered what it would be like if I no longer felt compelled to pass judgement on others. Or do you want to be ruled by the opinions of others? I’d be an extremely light human walking around the earth.

Don’t Judge Easily

Do not evaluate my storey based on the chapter you entered.
We can’t understand a new fact because we’re judging it. Create space for new knowledge by breaking free from the rules of past judgments.

Don’t Judge Easily

Don’t be concerned with the opinions of people who pass judgement on you. That ascribes to them a status they do not possess.

Don’t Judge Easily

The less a guy loves, the more he judges.

Don’t Judge Easily

Self-serving, ownership, winning, judging, and so on are all aspects of the ego.

Don’t Judge Easily

Every person has a storey to tell. There’s a reason they’re set up the way they are. Consider this before passing judgement on someone.
If you are bothered by external things, it is your own assessment of them that is bothering you. And you have the ability to reverse that decision right now.

Don’t Judge Easily

Nobody enjoys being judged. Back off and give folks a chance to live. We’re all on a journey, evolving and growing in some way.

Don’t Judge Easily

Everything we pass judgement on in others is a reflection of something we don’t want to face about ourselves.

Don’t Judge Easily

People who are the happy I know are always assessing and improving themselves. People that are unhappy are frequently examining and judging others.

Don’t Judge Easily

The quickest path to peace is to refrain from passing judgement on others.

Don’t Judge Easily
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